Major Lenders Cut Mortgage Rates Ahead of Expected Labour Victory

Three major lenders have reduced mortgage rates ahead of an expected Labour victory this week.

Halifax and Natwest have cut rates by up to 0.23%, while Clydesdale Bank said its rates will fall by 0.38%.

The reductions come amid hopes that the Bank of England will cut interest rates next month after holding the Bank Rate at 5.25% since August 2023.

A number of economists forecast a rate cut in August, which it is hoped will stimulate buyer activity.

The average two-year fixed residential mortgage rate currently stands at 5.95%, according to analyst Moneyfacts, and the average five-year rate is 5.53%. Bank of England data last week revealed mortgage approvals for house purchases fell from 60,800 in April to 60,000 in May, while approvals for remortgaging decreased slightly from 29,900 to 29,600 over the same period.

Mark Harris, chief executive of mortgage broker SPF Private Clients, says: “Mortgage approvals for new purchases dipped slightly on the previous month, perhaps reflecting stubbornly high mortgage rates, which may have raised borrower concerns with regards to affordability and confidence.

“Remortgaging numbers decreased again as borrowers chose to stick with their existing lender and do a product transfer rather than go through the additional hassle of refinancing to another lender.

“With inflation hitting its 2 per cent target, an interest rate cut is increasingly likely, which will boost the market and give lenders more confidence to price their mortgage rates lower.”

Ryan Davies, strategy director, Bluestone Mortgages, added: “With an upcoming general election and consumer confidence still low, it’s unsurprising to see a drop in mortgage approvals.

“However, with markets now pricing in two base rate cuts this year, there is light at the end of the tunnel. We’ve already seen a number of lenders bring down their rates in the last week, and expect more to follow suit.

“For those worried about how they can climb onto or up the property ladder in the current environment, now is the time to look to their brokers for support. It is the ultimate duty of these professionals to signpost customers to the best available options for their unique circumstances so that no one should be locked out from achieving their homeownership dream.”

Source: Property Industry Eye

Sharp Rise in the Number of New Homes Listed for Sale

There has been a significant increase in new housing stock as sellers look to get ahead of post-election market rush, new research shows.

Fresh market insight from up-front information platform, Home Sale Pack, reveals that there has been a 22.9% increase in the number of new homes hitting the market across Britain when compared to the start of the year as sellers look to get ahead of the competition before any potential market boom following the result of the General Election on July 4th.

The research shows that there are a total of 810,353 homes currently listed for sale across Britain – 22.3% more when compared to January of this year.

Of these, 102,035 have been listed for sale in the last two weeks alone, a 22.9% increase when compared to the 83,033 sellers that entered the market at the start of the year.

In fact, every region of Britain has seen an increase in the number of sellers arriving to the market ahead of the upcoming General Election.

Ruth Beeton, co-founder of Home Sale Pack, said: “Summer is traditionally a busy time of year for the UK property market and with a recent return to form following a period of muted activity, it looks to be a summer of greater stability for homebuyers and sellers.

“While the general election isn’t expected to impact overall market health, there will be a segment of buyers sitting tight in anticipation of some form of election cost saving initiative – with stamp duty looking the most likely.

“With this in mind, it certainly seems as though a number of sellers are getting their house in order ahead of polling day to take advantage of any post-election surge in market activity, with the number of new homes reaching the market in the last 14 days sitting considerably higher than the start of the year.

“They are wise to do so, as any increase in market activity is likely to cause lengthy delays to the transaction timeline, most notably during the archaic conveyancing process. So getting ahead of the game now is the best way to minimise any delay to your sale.”

Source: Property Industry Eye

Bank of England Urged to Cut Interest Rates

The UK annual inflation rate is expected to drop to the Bank of England’s target of 2% in May, from 2.3% in April, when the latest data is released today.

In March, Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey said “we are on the way” to interest rate cuts, and so does the anticipated fall in inflation mean rate cuts are imminent? Paula Higgins, chief executive of the HomeOwners Alliance, is among those that certainly hopes that is the case.

She offers this message for the Bank of England: “Stop holding homeowners to ransom and cut interest rates now.”

Higgins points to the fact that the hikes in the cost of borrowing is putting household finances under enormous strain. For those that are remortgaging, the best rate on a two-year fix this June is 4.82% – more than double the best rate on a two-year year fix that was available in June 2022, which was 2.34%.

For someone with a £250,000 mortgage over 25 years this means a monthly mortgage payment of £1,435 compared to £1,102. This is an increase of £333 per month or £3,996 a year.

Many households have found these increases impossible to afford: UK Finance figures show 870 homes were repossessed in the first quarter of 2024 – a 36% jump compared to the previous quarter. While 96,580 homeowner mortgages were in arrears of 2.5% or more of the outstanding balance, during the same period – a 3% increase on the previous quarter.

The Bank of England has repeatedly argued that interest rates needed to increase or remain at 5.25% to fight inflation. They have raised rates 14 times since December 2021 to bring down inflation which went from 5.4% December 2021 to 11.1% in October 2022 and has now dropped back to 2.3%. This is just a fraction over the target of 2%.

But Higgins is concerned by speculation that a rate cut may not happen until at least September.

She said: “Inflation is no longer running at 10% – it’s almost at its 2% target. And yet the Bank of England continues to use it as an excuse to keep interest rates at the current 16 year high. We think it’s unacceptable that homeowners are held ransom by the Bank of England in this way.

“Signalling that rate cuts are on the horizon is not enough. We’ve been hearing that since March. Homeowners’ best-laid financial plans are on hold as they bear the brunt of the Bank of England’s monetary experiment. We cannot see any justification for this continuing.

“The burden is too heavily borne by mortgage borrowers. This is why we’re calling on the Bank of England to stop this attack on homeowners and drop the base rate this Thursday.”

Source: Property Industry Eye

Nearly Half of Landlords Plan to Invest in Property in the Next Year, Survey Reveals

A recent survey by specialist lender Landbay shows a significant rise in landlord confidence, with nearly half (44%) of respondents indicating their intention to buy property within the next 12 months. This marks a notable increase from Landbay’s last survey at the end of last year, where only 32% expressed plans to purchase property.

Drivers of Increased Investment

Among the landlords planning to buy, over 60% cited the primary reason as building their property portfolio. This desire for expansion reflects a robust confidence in the rental market’s potential for long-term returns. Additionally, nearly a third (31%) pointed to an increase in tenant numbers as a motivating factor, up from 26% in the previous survey. Another 12% of landlords are considering new purchases based on the anticipation of a potential drop in house prices.

Portfolio Landlords Leading the Charge

The survey highlights that portfolio landlords are the most active in the market. About 40% of those planning to buy own 11 or more properties, and 42% have between four and ten properties. Smaller landlords, those with one to three properties, also show interest, making up 19% of the prospective buyers.

Regional Confidence Variations

Confidence among landlords varies significantly across different regions. In the South East, 28% of landlords plan to buy another property in the next year, contrasting with only 13% in London. Confidence levels in the Midlands, East of England, and the North are similar, with just under a quarter of landlords in these areas indicating intentions to invest.

Uncertainty and Concerns

While a positive trend is evident, not all landlords share the same level of optimism. About 16% remain undecided about their future plans, a decrease from the previous survey’s 25%. Conversely, 40% of respondents are not looking to buy any property, and just under 30% are considering selling some of their properties over the next year. This group cited concerns over mortgage interest rate fluctuations, difficulties in evicting tenants, and landlord taxation as their main reasons for selling.

Landbay’s Perspective

A spokesperson from Landbay commented on the survey findings, stating: “Despite the various pressures faced by landlords, there is still an appetite for further house purchases. The increase demonstrates the continued attractiveness of buy-to-let as a long-term investment strategy, supported by the strong demand for rental properties.”

Survey Details Lacking

However, Landbay has not disclosed specifics about when the survey was conducted or the number of landlords contacted, which could be crucial for evaluating the robustness of these findings.


The survey by Landbay paints an optimistic picture for the buy-to-let market, with a significant portion of landlords planning to expand their portfolios in the coming year. This trend highlights a sustained confidence in the rental market’s profitability, despite ongoing challenges such as fluctuating mortgage rates and regulatory changes. As the market evolves, both prospective and current landlords will need to stay informed and strategically navigate these dynamics to capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Source: Property Notify

What Does a General Election Mean for the UK Housing Market?

Overall, we don’t see the election having as big an impact on the housing market as previous years. This is due to there not being a huge divide in policy between the two main parties, with neither having many specifics on housing other than a focus on reforming the private rental sector and boosting housing supply. However, the number of completed sales may now fall slightly short of the 1.1m we expected for 2024.

Businesses and landlords will want to see that political parties have concrete plans – namely for boosting housing supply across all tenures and getting the right reforms to the private rented sector. This will ensure that supply is maintained while giving renters more protections.

As we run up to summer and the slower period in the housing market, the election announcement is likely to stall the pace at which new sales are being agreed to in the coming weeks.

Most buyers who are close to completing on a house will ideally want to push through and agree a sale now. Those who are earlier in the process may look to delay decisions until the autumn after the election is over.

The housing market has been recovering with more homes coming to the market for sale, and an increased volume of sales overall. This is a sign of growing confidence amongst sellers, even though mortgage rates remain at 4.5% to 5%.

Currently, there are 392,000 homes in the sales pipeline that all working their way to completion over 2024. This is 3% higher than this time last year, and we don’t expect to see buyers already in the process of working toward sales to pull out.

The incentive to move remains for many households – in particular for first-time buyers who are escaping rapid growth in rent costs, and upsizers who delayed moving last year when mortgage rates increased.

Source: Zoopla

Labour Calls for Suspension of the Right to Buy Housing Scheme

Labour’s Andy Burnham is calling for a suspension of the Right to Buy housing scheme, claiming it exacerbates the housing crisis by reducing the stock of social homes. He argues that the scheme results in a net loss of social housing each year, hindering efforts to address the shortage of affordable homes.

Burnham, who was recently re-elected as Mayor of Greater Manchester, aims to build 10,000 homes across the county, with a focus on social housing. He believes that by suspending Right to Buy for new homes, local authorities can retain more social housing stock and address the housing crisis more effectively.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) defends the Right to Buy scheme, stating that it has enabled over two million social housing tenants to become homeowners. They emphasize the role of local authorities in managing the scheme and using proceeds from sales to fund new housing projects.

Mark Slater from Greater Manchester Tenants Union supports Burnham’s plan to suspend Right to Buy, highlighting the urgent need for more homes in the region. He argues that Right to Buy has significantly reduced the stock of social housing, contributing to the housing crisis.

In addition to addressing the shortage of affordable housing, Burnham aims to improve standards in the private rented sector by introducing a Greater Manchester Good Landlord charter. This initiative would give residents the right to request property checks if they have concerns about the safety or condition of their homes.

As Mayor of Greater Manchester, Burnham holds significant powers over various areas, including public transport, housing, and policing. His proposals reflect a commitment to tackling the housing crisis and improving living conditions for residents across the region.

Source : Property Notify

Taxes are Forcing up Rents

The rise in private rents across England, Wales, and Scotland over the past year has been attributed to various tax and regulatory changes affecting landlords, according to Propertymark, the letting agents’ trade body.

One significant factor contributing to the increase in rents is the tax relief reduction on mortgage interest costs initiated by Chancellor George Osborne in 2015. This measure, along with the removal of the 10% allowance for fully furnished homes, has led to decreased profitability for many landlords. These tax changes have made it challenging for landlords to operate profitably, prompting some to exit the sector altogether.

In addition to tax changes, landlords have faced increasing costs due to regulatory changes and expensive local council licensing requirements. The reduction in Capital Gains Tax allowances has further impacted landlords who choose to sell their properties.

Propertymark has highlighted the perspective of landlords, emphasizing that they feel unfairly targeted as the reason for rent increases. Landlords argue that government support, such as tax relief or relaxed thresholds, would be beneficial. They also call for greater recognition of the positive role landlords play in providing accommodation and urge the government to address biases towards tenants’ issues.

Propertymark’s data, along with insights from private landlords, indicates a decline in the volume of private rental properties available, leading to a shortage in supply. This scarcity, combined with increased demand, has contributed to rising rents as tenants compete for limited housing options.

To address these challenges, Propertymark is advocating for the UK Government to create an economic environment that benefits both tenants and landlords. This could involve implementing policies that support landlords while also ensuring affordability and access to rental housing for tenants.

Source : Property Notify

Interest Rates Held at 5.25%

Andrew Bailey, the Governor of the Bank of England, has signalled that interest rates will likely need to be cut in the coming quarters to maintain inflation at the 2% target. Despite policymakers voting to keep interest rates steady at 5.25%, Bailey emphasized the need for rate cuts, possibly exceeding current market expectations.

Money markets had anticipated two rate cuts by the year’s end before Bailey’s remarks. He stated that a rate reduction in June was not definitively ruled out nor guaranteed.

Bailey expressed optimism regarding falling inflation in the upcoming months, attributing it to encouraging economic indicators. He emphasized the necessity of observing sustained low inflation before implementing rate cuts.

Sir Dave Ramsden, the Bank’s deputy governor, supported calls for reducing borrowing costs, citing signs of inflation’s descent.

The Bank’s recent economic assessment revealed a 0.4% growth in the UK economy during the first quarter, marking a recovery from recession. It projected inflation to have eased back to the 2% target in April from 3.2% in March, with food prices stabilizing around this level for the remainder of the year.

Investors have adjusted their expectations, bringing forward predictions for rate cuts from August to June, with rates potentially dropping to 4.75% by year-end.

Source : Property Notify

The Mortgage Mistake Costing the Average Homeowner £3,000

New research by the personal finance comparison site shows that almost a third (31%) of homeowners have let their mortgage slip into a higher rate for at least 1 month after their fixed-rate deal has ended. The total amount of time during which people had let their mortgage revert to a higher rate was an average of 10 months over the course of their mortgage, according to the survey.

Someone paying off the cost of the UK’s average house, worth £281,913, on a competitive fixed 3-year rate* of 5.5% would pay £1,361 per month during those 3 years.

But if they didn’t remortgage immediately at the end of the initial fixed term, the interest rate would revert to the lender’s standard variable rate, which is typically around 7.5% at the moment. This would cost them £1,661 per month, which is an extra £300. The average person paying 10 months of this would therefore part with an extra £3,000 to pay the extra interest.

While the average time that homeowners in the survey had left their revert rate going was 10 months, over 1 in 10 (11%) had paid a higher revert rate for more than 1 year. Worryingly, 3% said they’d paid a revert rate for over 5 years. This would cost over £30,000 in extra interest.

To see the research in full visit:

Source : Property Notify