Entering a New Age of Urban Workspaces

Surging interest rates and transforming business paradigms have brought traditional office spaces to a pivotal crossroads – an industry once valued for its towering structures of glass and steel, the sector must now chart a course through new, choppy water.

Properties acquired or financed through substantial debt have been left burdened by bloated loan repayments.

Meanwhile, exacerbating the situation, the recent evolution observed in working culture has led to shorter leases and occupancy rates in traditional office buildings plunging to decade-lows, sowing doubt in the sector’s stability and thus triggering significant devaluations across the traditional office space landscape.

Although these circumstances are certainly unfavourable, landlords and asset managers who own traditional offices can still bounce back.

Through thoughtful evolution, in other words creating greater harmony with progressive work patterns and ideals, workspaces can be prepped for longevity as fundamental pillars of the business world far into the future.

To achieve this, however, we must examine what the urban workspace of tomorrow will entail, and how conventional office models can integrate into this transformation.

A changing professional landscape

Working patterns were changing before we had ever heard of Covid-19. Flexible workspaces were already on the rise, while more and more employers were embracing flexible working to attract and retain the best talent. But the pandemic undoubtedly kicked this trend into overdrive.

Lockdowns propelled the widespread adoption of hybrid and remote working as many workers took steps to reprioritise their work-life balance. When we could finally return to the office, soaring inflation and cost-of-living crises raised commuting expenses, creating additional barriers for city-based employees to frequent the office.

Meanwhile, this challenging economic period has led to many businesses gleaning valuable insights about the benefits of flexibility.

This, coupled with the surge in hybrid working arrangements, spurred a wave of demand for office solutions with greater flexibility, resulting in record-high occupancy rates for flexible workspaces at 83%.

Within just three years a cultural revolution has been enacted, becoming deeply embedded in work culture as well as a pivotal factor in shaping the workspaces of the future.

Future-proofing our workspaces

Clearly, a new vision for workspaces must be forged, one that is seamlessly woven into the tapestry of modern life. To hit the mark and maintain relevancy, future workspaces must meet three key criteria: be appealing; be conveniently accessible; and facilitate a seamless transition between professional and personal spheres.

Enter the concept of the “15-minute city”. This asserts that within a 15-minute radius from their residence, an individual should be able to conveniently access essential amenities, workspaces, and leisure facilities. Namely, this would be achieved through a blend of mixed-use developments, where people can seamlessly move between their professional and personal lives.

Envisage, for example, a mixed-use skyscraper. On the lower floors a shopping and leisure complex could be found, on the middle floors a range of flexible workspaces, and finally upper floors could offer residential flats for contemporary living. Such a development is more than an idea: it creates a ‘future of work’ framework that could benefit landlords and tenants alike.

Such buildings are increasingly common, at least as far as the addition of retail or leisure units to residential blocks is concerned. But throwing flexible workspaces into the mix would now satisfy modern demands for how, when and where people want to work.

The repurposing and retrofitting of conventional office spaces into vibrant hubs for communal and professional interaction would be the ideal way to achieve this, attracting tenants and bolstering occupancy rates for landlords. Indeed, with environmental concerns mounting, embracing lower carbon-emitting development solutions like retrofitting becomes increasingly imperative.

Importantly, this is no one-time change; these workspaces must be equipped for continued evolution. We’ve observed working patterns pivot rapidly, and so workspaces must be optimally redesigned for adaptability. Refitting some traditional offices as flexible workspaces, where occupancy rates have increased considerably, is one way landlords can respond.

Such a strategy enables landlords to react swiftly to the changing demands of prospective occupants over time, creating lasting appeal and therefore enhancing the longevity of occupancy.

Understandably, such a transformation may seem challenging for some landlords. However, it can be achieved seamlessly by partnering with a third-party flexible workspace provider, which can take on tenant acquisition, operations and implement infrastructure.

Crucially, this approach enables commercial landlords to keep abreast of rapid transformation in the modern workforce, from emerging office trends to the latest in workspace technology.

A new age for offices

Ultimately, forming the urban workspaces of the future means creating spaces that can optimally adapt to emerging professional needs. Without evolution, traditional office models risk becoming obsolete.

Spaces must become flexible, attractive, and accessible, and concepts like the ’15-minute city’ will therefore form the bedrock upon which workspaces of the future will thrive.

Developing these future-proof, flexible workspaces will take effort, but flex space providers are at hand to ease this transition.

As a new working culture emerges, workspaces must be thoughtfully designed to guide us through this transition into the future of work.

Source: Property Notify

Improved UK Housing Affordability Offers Hope for Young Buyers

The UK housing market has witnessed an improvement in affordability for young buyers due to rising wages, partially leading to a decrease in property prices.

According to mortgage lender Halifax, the house price-to-income ratio decreased from 7.3 times average earnings in 2022 to 6.7 in the second quarter of 2023.

This stands as the most substantial year-on-year enhancement in affordability for the month of June since 2009.

The drop in property prices has been attributed to the Bank of England’s 14th consecutive interest rate hike, bringing rates to 5.25% – the highest level in 15 years.

These actions have had a cooling effect on the housing market after the surge in activity post-pandemic.

David Hannah, Chairman at Cornerstone Group International argues that for first-time buyers with the means to invest in property, now presents an opportune moment, given that the average UK property is currently valued at £260,828 – 0.2% lower than in June and 4.5% below the average price recorded in August 2022.

However, even though property prices are now more within reach for first-time buyers, certain affluent areas like London and the South East remain less affordable, with prices still notably surpassing average earnings.

Additionally, mortgage costs have experienced a significant surge, with typical monthly repayments increasing by over £200 in the past year and constituting 35% of income in Q2 2023.

Discussing the effect of rising rates on the property market, Hannah said:

“The predictable downward trend in house prices comes as no surprise, given the lingering effects of rate uncertainty and affordability challenges in the market.

Prospective buyers are still caught between adopting a cautious approach and displaying heightened assertiveness while making property offers.

Nevertheless, there is a glimmer of hope as certain lenders are reducing mortgage expenses in response to the approaching peak of the bank rate.

This suggests that although market sentiment may remain restrained, I hold the belief that the second half of this year will witness an improvement.”

Source: Property Notify

Why We Need A Reasoned Approach to Green Belt Release

Keir Starmer’s announcement about building on the Green Belt attracted some contentious headlines.

It immediately thrust housing and planning into the centre of the political battlefield.

Labour and the Conservatives have their battlelines firmly drawn up, with the NIMBYs on one side and the YIMBYs on the other.

A sensible discussion on the Green Belt is long overdue.

But can it remain sensible in this febrile environment?

We must move away from images of ‘concreting all over the Green Belt’. The idea that housing developments are primarily ‘grey’ may been true of post-war development when the Green Belt was introduced, but is not today.

As a result of changes in approaches to development today, new communities have the potential to be attractive, primarily ‘green’ spaces which significantly boost both the aesthetic and biodiverse qualities of the land.

Furthermore, we must look again at the definition of the Green Belt.

As Starmer quite accurately pointed out, much of it isn’t even green: contrary to a widely-held belief that the Green Belt is a bucolic ring of verdant countryside open to all, much of it is inaccessible and/or preserves and protects unattractive edge-of-settlement brownfield sites – those which have potential for sustainable development.

We have seen so many changes since the Green Belt was first introduced, including the New Towns programmes of the 1960s and 1970s – places like Milton Keynes, Basingstoke and Crawley were villages when the Green Belt was first introduced.

It is therefore imperative that the Green Belt is reviewed in order to deliver enough homes in the right places and protect land that deserves to be protected.

But because development is so sensitive, so complex and has so much scope for subjectivity, a review of the Green Belt can only be delivered though a national or at least a strategic regional plan, led by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities.

The Green Belt began as a national policy and must remain as such.

The controversy surrounding Starmer’s speech raises the question, is Green Belt release the only way in which we can increase housing supply?

My answer is that it is the only way in which housing numbers can be increased at scale: building 300,000 houses on the Isle of Wight could achieve this, and while popular with many, wouldn’t address the need for people to be located either close to economic centres or in close proximity to sustainable transport.

Adapting the Green Belt which surrounds Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire, on the other hand, could achieve this.

It is important to note that a review of the Green Belt does not necessary mean a reduction in the Green Belt, which is how it is often presented.

It means that that areas worthy of protection are included and those – such as the car park that Keir Starmer referred to in his speech – are potentially repurposed, and quite possibly in such a way that increases their aesthetic value.

To gain political and public support, the Green Belt needs to be reframed on the basis of expansion.

Since 1955 when the Green Belt was introduced, the UK population has grown from 51,063,902 to 68,497,907. The housing crisis demonstrates a desperate need for sustainable new settlements and we have adequate measures, such as AONB and conservation area status, in place to ensure that this is done sensitively.

We need to move away from the idea that there’s something intrinsically unattractive about development: twenty well designed houses, in sympathetic landscaped surroundings can benefit the natural environment, rather than detract from it.

I believe that Keir Starmer is very much on the right track in accepting that the Green Belt must be reviewed to address the housing crisis.

I believe it is possible to expand the Green Belt overall, while also delivering more homes.

But a strategic approach is the only way in which this can be achieved.

Source: Property Notify

The Political Game Around Homeownership

Both Labour and the Conservatives are sparring over the state of the housing market.

As we hit summer next year, expect electoral promises around increasing housing supply and reintroducing schemes designed to kick start the housing market by enabling first time buyers access to the market, in return for your vote.

This political foreplay has already started with Labour promising to reinstate housing targets.

Emboldened by the current shambolic state of the property market, housing is an easy target to hit the Conservatives with. House price increases stoked by an unnecessary Stamp Duty holiday has left many struggling to now afford a home.

Even with recent price falls, without the low interest rate crutch buyers have become reliant on, many simply can’t afford the same property that they once could, if at all.

This is coupled with low supply levels of rental, social and affordable housing which aren’t due to be restocked anytime soon, due to the Government’s handbrake turn on targets, seemingly bending to the nimby’s middle class will, leaving many disillusioned with the Government and its policies that seem to neglect the many in favour of the privileged few.

Why aren’t the Government building more houses

What every political party knows is they can’t build 300,000 homes now. Build costs have increased whilst buyer affordability has gone down making it financial suicide to build more than is already in the works.

Unless developers are working on build to rent or eco-friendly, state of the art commercial property, they are stalling until inflation is stable and there is an election for a party to win using house building as the carrot.

Be it tightening green belt lines or developing brownfield sites, something will have to give, along with a few nitrates, but not until buyers can afford to buy.

Why homeownership is so important to politicians

Once on the ladder, studies have shown homeowners are more likely to vote and protect their asset’s worth, whilst also taking an interest in the area around it, than renters.

Historically, homeowners gravitated to voting conservative but after their dismal 13 year reign, the public has grown wise to their rhetoric.

Constant policy changes and broken promises have led even the nimby voters who have curtailed many a housing scheme, wondering how their offspring will ever get on the ladder, whilst also firmly remaining in denial about their own involvement.

Every party wants to be the party of homeownership for this reason but also because of the money they can claim via taxation from it.

The more house prices increase the better the “incoming” revenue.

Be it capital gains, inheritance tax or Stamp Duty.

In addition, homeowners generally spend more than renters, vital when boosting economic growth in times when inflation isn’t bloated.

What’s happened to house prices

Low interest rates had become instilled in a generation’s psyche. For the past 15 years interest rates have decreased in an attempt to stimulate growth.

Whilst failing with anything significant here it did bolster house prices with various initiates to bolster them higher (Help to Buy/Stamp Duty Holiday).

Post-Brexit, Covid and the current war, the BoE have voted consecutively, 14 times, to increase rates in an attempt to curb stubborn inflation.

The problem now being that many who own their property outright or have fixed at a lower rate are yet to feel this effect.

So the few are left with the cheque on behalf of the many who can already afford it.

This also results in a divided market where some need to sell, reducing house prices whilst others stubbornly hold out.

But don’t be fooled, all the parties have a vested interest in homeownership and opposition parties will be utilising the Government’s current pickle to their advantage.

Should the Government create schemes or encourage building before an election, the other party can say they were swayed by their political pressure.

The public are mere pawns in this political game for control. Both parties are saying the same things at different times with only one agenda – your vote.

Who gets it depends on who you believe will actually deliver.

Source: Property Notify

Halifax House Price Index: Housing Market Displays Resilience

Average UK house prices edged down slightly in July, with the monthly fall of -0.3% equivalent to a drop of around £1,000 in cash terms.

While this was the fourth consecutive monthly decrease, all have been smaller than -0.5%.

In reality, prices are little changed over the last six months, with the typical property now costing £285,044, compared to £285,660 in February.

The pace of annual decline also slowed to -2.4% in July, versus -2.6% in June.

These figures add to the sense of a housing market which continues to display a degree of resilience in the face of tough economic headwinds.

In particular, we’re seeing activity amongst first-time buyers hold up relatively well, with indications some are now searching for smaller homes, to offset higher borrowing costs, said Kim Kinnaird, Director, Halifax Mortgages.

Kinnaird continued, conversely the buy-to-let sector appears to be under some pressure, though elevated interest rates are just one factor impacting landlords’ business models, together with considerations of future rental market reforms.

It remains to be seen how many may choose to exit and what that could mean for the supply of properties available to buy.

Prospects for the UK housing market remain closely linked to the performance of the wider economy.

Several factors are providing support, notably strong wage growth, running at around +7% annually.

And, while the uptick in unemployment is likely to restrain that somewhat, it seems unlikely to reach levels that would trigger a sharp deterioration in conditions.

Expectations of further Base Rate increases from the Bank of England were tempered by a better-thanexpected inflation report for June. However, while there have been recent signs of borrowing costs stabilising or even falling, they will likely remain much higher than homeowners have become used to over the last decade.

The continued affordability squeeze will mean constrained market activity persists, and we expect house prices to continue to fall into next year. Based on our current economic assumptions, we anticipate that being a gradual rather than a precipitous decline.

And one that is unlikely to fully reverse the house price growth recorded over recent years, with average property prices still some £45,000 (+19%) above pre-Covid levels, Kinnaird concluded.

The UK Property Sector is Undergoing a Technological Revolution

The Geospatial Commission has identified opportunities where improved data and use of location services and applications can unlock innovation across the property ecosystem in a new report published today (1 August).

The UK property sector is undergoing a technological revolution, rapidly adopting new data-driven digital tools.

Location data, services and applications are central to this revolution and essential for a well-functioning property sector, from town planning and site identification to property management and retrofitting.

The UK property sector contributes an estimated £100 billion to the UK economy each year.

Applying a spatial lens is crucial to achieve the sector’s economic, social and environmental ambitions, boosting productivity and innovation, improving our residential areas and achieving net zero commitments.

Alexandra Notay, Independent Commissioner, Geospatial Commission, comments:

“The property ecosystem provides the infrastructure of where we live, work and play.

However, many of our interactions with the industry from planning to buying, renting and maintenance, remain stubbornly analogue.

We can all see the transformative potential and multitude of opportunities for the property industry to embrace emerging technologies and digital tools empowered by location data; yet a truly systematic approach to innovation and technology across our diverse and siloed asset classes and property types has yet to emerge.

This report can be a catalyst for enabling that change.”

The report highlights some key initiatives already underway across the property sector and identifies further opportunities where location data, services and applications can drive innovation across the property life cycle, including:

  • Further digitisation of the property buying and selling process and ensuring data interoperability underpins the end-to-end process
  • Growing deployment of green technologies, like solar panels, heat pumps, insulation and energy efficiency solutions, into our homes by supporting better understanding of where they could have the greatest impact
  • Improving productivity in the industry through greater re-use of location data collected and created during design and construction to reduce costs, and support better targeting and design of retrofitting interventions

The report sets out four cross-cutting themes to support the better use of location data, service and applications, including property as a complex interconnected system and the importance of a strategic approach to data access.

These themes arise from an understanding of the role of location data and services across different stages of the property lifecycle from land use and planning, design and construction, buying and selling, safety and operations to the broader themes of retrofit and regeneration.

Dan Hughes, Alpha Property Insight and Real Estate Data Foundation, comments:

“The property sector is at the heart of a thriving economy, our impact on the planet and a healthy society, and the effective use of data is becoming increasingly important in ensuring that it operates effectively.

The world is changing rapidly and so the depth and breadth of data used by property is growing equally fast and at the heart of this is high quality and trusted location data.

For many years, the UK has had one of the strongest property market data infrastructures which has been a key element in the UK being recognised as one of the leading global property markets.

As the world evolves, it is important that the approach to data does too and so this report, and the actions identified, are very welcome to enable the property sector to meet the needs of society, the planet and the UK economy.”

Lynne Nicholson, Head of Data, HM Land Registry, comments:

“HM Land Registry was pleased to work with the Geospatial Commission on this report which outlines the immense potential value of geospatial data for the UK economy.

As one of the governmental bodies which holds significant geospatial data, HM Land Registry is committed to unlocking its value and supporting its re-use by making it more FAIR, in alignment with the UK Geospatial Strategy 2030.

By sponsoring the award-winning Geovation Accelerator Programme, we are supporting the next generation of innovative Proptech start-ups using location data to revolutionise the property sector.”

The report is the first deliverable from the UK Geospatial Strategy 2030 that was published in June.

It supports two of the Strategy’s missions: embracing enabling technologies to accelerate geospatial innovation, and driving greater use of geospatial applications and insights across the economy.

UK Inflation Drops to 7.9%

This morning’s announcement from ONS regarding inflation dropping to 7.9% in the year to June will be welcomed news following the recent figures.

It means the rate of price rises in the UK has slowed more than expected, down from 8.7% in May.

The latest figures exceeded the market forecasts of a reduction to 8.2% and core inflation a key influencer on swap rates was also down to 6.9%.

Core inflation remains close to a 30 year high, which is the area the bank of England are targeting to bring down so we can should still expect more rate rises in August and potentially September.

The UK has the highest inflation amongst the G7 countries, but hopefully this marks the start of a downward trend and towards the government target to half inflation to 5% by the end of the year.

While it’s difficult to pre-empt market reaction, this will hopefully have a positive impact on future market forecasts, and a calming to the recent volatility in fixed rates.

It will take a few months before we see any substantial decreases in fixed rate pricing, the advice will be for mortgage holders unsure on their next move to speak to broker or their lender, commented Nicholas Mendes, Mortgage Technical Manager at John Charcol.

Commenting on the today’s inflation figures, Kevin Pratt, personal finance expert at Forbes Advisor says:

“Hard-pressed consumers and mortgage holders will hope the larger-than-expected fall in the headline rate of inflation might enable the Bank of England to take its foot off the interest rate accelerator when it announces its next policy decision.

They might have heard the good news about the falling energy prices, seen reports that food inflation has peaked and watched the business secretary demand supermarkets cut the price of petrol and thought a corner has been turned. And in some ways it has.

But the Bank’s main focus is likely to be the measure of inflation that strips out food and energy costs because of their inherent volatility – and this core figure shifted more modestly in June, edging down from 7.1% to 6.9% on the back of wage increases.

This doesn’t auger well for the August Bank Rate call.

We’re going to see the cost of borrowing increase on 3 August – the question is whether it will be an 0.25 or 0.50 percentage point increase in the Bank Rate to 5.25% or 5.50%.

Either way, this will result in more expensive mortgages, stretched household incomes and continued financial misery for millions.”

Chris Druce, senior research analyst at Knight Frank, comments:

“13 consecutive base rate rises by the Bank of England since December 2021 to tame inflation has taken us to 5%, and pushed the cost of borrowing to a recent high.

This has reduced buyers’ spending power, weakened sentiment in the UK property market and acted as a drag on activity .

Nerves are unlikely to be calmed and the outlook improved until buyers’ can gauge where the new peak in the bank rate will be, allowing them to plan accordingly.

Today’s fall in inflation is therefore important but a step on a journey that’s not yet complete.”

Saxo UK CEO Charlie White-Thomson, comments:

“Today’s year-on-year UK inflation print of 7.9% is a step in the right direction and evidence that the significant financial medicine in the form of interest rate hikes is taking effect.

The big number of 7.9% is still well off the ‘no ifs or buts’ 2% target and the cost of living crisis remains painfully evident.

With this in mind, we should prepare for a 25bp hike by the Bank of England on August 03.

The war to defeat inflation is not over and the Governor has nailed his colours to the 2% target.

Motor fuel prices led the largest downward contribution to the monthly change in CPI while yearly food remains stubbornly high at 17.4% according to the Office for National Statistics.”

Stephen Bryson, Independent mortgage and protection adviser at IFO comments:

“Inflation rates have fallen faster than many of us expected which will be a welcome update to the UK housing market.

Recent inflation increases have caused upheaval across the UK’s housing market, with the supply now exceeding the demand.

For those looking to buy, prices may be negotiated down, but we’re not actually seeing many downward valuations.

Ultimately, people still need homes, but higher interest rates and the cost of living will shift focus towards what people need rather than what they want.

As a result, more expensive houses will take longer to sell compared to an average priced ones.”

deVere Group’s CEO, Nigel Green, warns that the Bank of England will still raise interest rates despite cooling inflation:

The warning comes as fresh figures reveal that UK inflation fell to 7.9% in June, from 8.7% the month before.

He says: “Despite the data showing that the battle against inflation in the UK is being won, we expect the Bank of England will confirm it’ll continue with its aggressive interest rate hiking agenda at the monetary policy meeting on August 1.

Although the consumer price index fell to 7.9% last month, amid lower petrol prices and a slowdown in the pace of growth for food, beverages and other basics, the central bank officials will likely argue that there is still work to be done.

We believe the Bank will insist that although inflation is certainly coming down, it is doing so very, very gradually.

It remains sticky – still the highest in the G7 – and a long way from the 2% target.

They will say prices are still far too high and rising at a quicker pace than they have done in the past.

In addition, they are likely to cite strong wage growth in the three months to May.

Against this backdrop, we expect the Bank of England to increase interest rates for a 14th consecutive time at its next policy meeting – and we wouldn’t be surprised if there were a second consecutive 50 basis point hike.”

Another interest rate hike could “pile on more misery” for households, homeowners, and businesses.

Higher interest rates lead to increased borrowing costs, making mortgages more expensive. Homeowners with variable-rate mortgages are likely to face higher monthly payments.

Rising interest rates will also reduce disposable income as loan repayments increase, affecting household spending and overall economic activity.

Businesses reliant on borrowing may face higher interest expenses, which can affect their profitability and ability to expand or invest.

In addition, higher interest rates can reduce consumer spending, affecting businesses dependent on consumer demand.

Hiked interest rates typically negatively impact the value of existing fixed-income investments, such as bonds, as newer issuances offer higher yields.

The higher rates also historically lead to stock market uncertainty and increase volatility, as investors reassess the attractiveness of different investments.

Sectors sensitive to interest rates, such as housing, cars, and financial sectors, could experience greater impacts than others.

Green concludes: “We believe that although the battle to tame inflation seems to be being won, with the lowest reading in 16 months, the Bank of England is highly unlikely to be dissuaded from its course of rate hiking action for the time being.”

Source: Property Notify

Unprecedented Number of Section 21 Notices Shaping the Lettings Market

The looming threat of the abolition of Section 21 is raising questions over the future shape of the UK’s rental market.

National law firm Dutton Gregory Solicitors fears the change is already deterring swathes of private landlords, with Build to Rent giants coming out on top.

Dutton Gregory’s Landlord and Tenant department is processing an unprecedented number of Section 21 notices, which have been issued to tenants since the announcement of the planned abolishment.

The Ministry of Justice also recently reported that no fault evictions were up by 15.8% in the three months to March.

The Hampshire-headquartered law firm notes that this workload increase could be due to fear and uncertainty felt by private landlords.

A Section 21 notice, commonly known as a ‘no fault’ eviction notice, allows landlords to evict tenants without declaring a reason.

This is currently carried out through the accelerated possession process and does not generally require a hearing to be listed by the courts.

It gives landlords an automatic right to regain their property and an order can be obtained in a matter of 6-8 weeks in most courts outside of London.

As a result of the proposed abolition, the Government has said the grounds of Section 8 will now be strengthened, to allow landlords to recover their property. However, this hasn’t offered peace of mind to many buy-to-let owners.

Source: Property Notify

Renters Reform Bill Delayed Until Autumn

With parliament’s summer recess rapidly approaching, the upcoming parliamentary schedule does not have room for the second reading of the Renters (Reform) Bill, when MPs will be able to make amendments and ask questions to Housing Minister Rachel Maclean MP.


While the Bill has not returned to the Commons for a second reading, the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee has seized the opportunity to question Housing Minister Rachel Maclean and her team from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC) on the details of the Bill.

The committee asked questions about key policies, such as extending the Decent Homes Standards to the PRS and outlawing discrimination against tenants with children or receiving benefits, which were missing from the Bill despite being included in the government’s official guidance.

The expectation is that these policies will be added as amendments during the second reading, but there is concern from the industry that it will not leave enough time for proper parliamentary scrutiny of these important policies.

Bill’s provisions already filtering through

Meanwhile, there has been some movement from the government on some aspects of the Bill. Originally, a tenant that challenged a Section 13 rent increase in court could either be ordered to pay the new rent or get it decreased, whereas tenants could now face the prospect of the courts further increasing the rent.

This could help put off spurious challenges and reduce the potential number of court cases.

Also, under questioning from the committee, the DLUHC team gave new details on the proposed Ombudsman, including that it would operate as a non-profit and that they had not ruled out a combined agent/tenant/landlord redress scheme.

Agents need their say

“A lot of the important details are still up in the air,” says Neil Cobbold, Managing Director, PayProp UK, “And with the Bill not getting its second reading until at least September, this gives agents the summer to get organised and share their views with their MPs.”

As part of PayProp’s push to promote the views of lettings professionals as the government reforms the industry, the company hosted an informal roundtable discussion with Andrew Lewer MP, member of the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee, and senior representatives from Belvoir, Dexters, Foxtons, Knight Frank, Leaders Romans Group, LSL Property Services, Savills, and The Property Franchise Group.

PayProp is also asking for the views of all letting agents in their survey, Life after the Renters (Reform) Bill, promising to present the results to the government, MPs and peers, to highlight the issues letting agents feel this Bill will create.

“We’ve already seen the government make changes based on feedback from the industry, so the more voices we have, the better the chance lettings professionals will be consulted on this bill and future changes to the industry,” concludes Cobbold.

Source: Property Notify